New table status logic

The Campaign Suite generates campaigns, ad groups, keywords and text ads based on tables. These tables get combined in order to connect brands, categories and other semantics. In each table, the status column offers to set a certain table entry to “active”, “paused” or “deleted”.

Imagine the following example. There are three tables: Brand, Category and Color. In each of the tables, there is one entry. The only brand is “adidas”, the only category is “shoes” and the only color is “red”. The Campaign Suite output will be an “adidas” campaign and an “adidas red shoes” ad group, which contains keywords and a text ad.

What happens if all the status of the row of “adidas” is set to “deleted”, while the statuses of “shoes” and “red” stay active?

Old version

Before, the ad group “adidas red shoes” would have received the status “paused”. The logic was: If statuses are equal, use that status (active + active + active = active). But if statuses are not equal, we cannot be sure. Therefore use “paused” (active + active + deleted = paused).

New version

Now, after this logic was changed, the ad group “adidas red shoes” receives the status “deleted”. The new logic is: The status “deleted” has highest priority, the status “paused” has second priority and the status “active” is the weakest in terms of priority. (active + paused + deleted = deleted)

Summary: If you delete a table status, please be aware that this will directly lead to a deletion of the corresponding ad group – even if other entries, which get combined with the deleted one are active or paused.

Learn more about table statuses