
In templates, multiple fields require you to enter information. For example, in the “Keywords” tab it’s possible to define exact, phrase, or broad keywords. To do so, enter static text or use table columns, template variables, or global variables. The huge advantage of variables is that they will ensure the generated content is highly specific. For example, a keyword about “red adidas shoes” will be combined with a text ad such as “Buy red adidas shoes”. This is not possible using static text.

To use the content from tables in templates, they are accessible as colorful tokens. Column headers are used as the names.

For example, the name column of the brand table can be used by selecting [name@brand]. This results in the template using all brands in the name column of the brand table.

While global variables contain only static content, they can be used in all existing templates of a Crealytics’ Search Platform account.

Step 1: Open the “Global Variables” page

In the settings dropdown menu in the upper right corner of Crealytics’ Search Platform, select “Global variables”. This will open the global variables page.

Open the global variables page

Step 2: Create a new variable

On this page, you can create variables for use across several different templates. This is helpful for language settings in URLs, for locations, and for the domain name. Click “Add global variable”, input a variable name and its corresponding static text. Save the variable by clicking the checkmark to the right of the highlighted field. Changing a global variable is as easy as setting it up. Just click the pen icon, and type a new value into the corresponding field. To delete a variable, press the trash icon next to it.
Create a new global variable

Hint: “DOMAIN” is the most important global variable. For each user who completed the setup wizard, it contains the domain of the store. However, “www” should not be included in the “DOMAIN” variable, as this will lead to “www” being duplicated in the ad destination URLs.

Step 1: Create a new variable

On any template page, click “Variables” to open the variable editor. Please note, the window will look different if no template variable has been added. The options to choose from are either “Add a new variable” or “Import from other template” (see hint below). If at least one variable exists, the window appears as it does in the image below.

Create a new template variable

Step 2: Define its value

Click “Add new variable”, “Import from other template”, or edit an existing variable here. Define the value of the variable in the relevant field. Template variables accept dynamic content, such as functions and other types of variables, with the possibility of using fallbacks. To learn more about how the text counter handles template variables, click here.
Define the values of the template variable

Hint: Template variables can be copied between templates. To import a variable from another template, click “Import from other template”. This opens a yellow box, allowing you to select the template and variable you wish to import. Click “Import” to find the desired variable in the list.
Copy an existing template variable to the current template